On 27th March, 2019 Electrical Engineering Department of Tawi Engineering College organized“FUN MEASUREMENTS” event. The motive of event was to eliminate shyness and stage fear in students. Students of Electrical 4th and 6th B.Tech participated in this event.

All the students completed all stages of event. Initially students started with their introduction and hobbies, later on dance, singing, mimicry and acting skills were performed.

The Judges Er. Ashanand (HOD), Er.Muzamil Malik, Er.Jaspal Singh, Er.Salil Prashar and Er.Tajamul Islam were also highly pleased with the logical performances and presentations. The competition was well planned and energetic for all the participants.

It was quite tough to decide the winner as all the performances were outstanding. However in the end, Zahir Ali, student of B.Tech 6th semester won the overall title. Dr.Dinesh Kumar (Director Tawi Engineering College) congratulated the winner and appreciated the efforts of all other candidates.