In Tawi Engineering College Department of ECE has organized an activity named “Short Film Making”. It was an inter-department competition in which a team will participate from each class. Students have to make a video clip.

Students Showcasing Videos in Seminar Hall

The movie length will be 5-7 minutes.The main motive of this competition was to provide students a platform to show case their work of art and reach out beyond the professional circles.The activity was organised by Mrs Ankur Narula & Miss Kussum of ECE deptt. Director of TEC Dr. Dinesh Badhan was also present to judge the talent of the students. Student of ECE, Electrical and Civil department made a video Clip on the topic “Garbage Management”.

Students and Faculty Members

All the video clips were so inspiring in which student appealed for Clean environment.

EE department Student Presented the Best Video

The winner of the activity was Electrical Department.


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